Global HIghlight : the central african republic - CAR

Pastor Joas was brought into the River of Life family in 2023 and commissioned as a missionary to CAR in 2023. In February 2024 at the Annual Africa Pastors Conference, he was anointed and sent out to officially build a church in CAR and in May 2024, River of Life Christian Church in CAR was officially born. Meet Pastor Joas and read his testimony.

Pastor Joas preaching on the first Sunday Service of ROLCC CAR - April 2024

Pastor Joas and wife

ROLI | What is your story and personal testimony?

P. JOAS | I was born into a Christian family with a mix of Catholic and Protestant influences. It was my mother who taught me how to pray and helped me truly come to know Christ. I followed her into the evangelical church and was baptized in 2003.

Despite my Christian upbringing, I was living a double life of worldly pleasures. But though I was far from God, I was always aware of His presence. Many times, I heard that inner voice urging me to break free from the sinful life I was living, but I kept resisting it. I was young and loved life too much to change.

Tragic events eventually turned my life upside down and drew me closer to God and true faith. I was severely stabbed and came close to death, but by God’s grace, my life was spared. After that experience, I made a promise to answer His call and serve Him. This was followed by the heartbreaking loss of my mother, the one person dearest to me.

Having come so close to death and then losing my mother, I clung to God with all my strength. That was the beginning of a beautiful journey with Him, one that continues to this day. And through it all, He has never given up on me.

ROLI | What led you to be a pastor?

P. JOAS | God had always told me that I would serve Him, though I wasn’t sure how it would happen. In 2014, after arriving in Senegal for my studies and searching for a church, God led me to Reverend Matthias GBEGOU at Fleuve de Vie (River of Life). That began my journey, and after 9 years of serving, I became a full time pastor at Fleuve de Vie.

ROLI | How did you meet Pastor Tong and why did you decide to join River of Life?

P. JOAS | I had already decided to join Pastor Tong before even meeting him. His testimony and journey deeply inspired me along . It was his obedience to God, that allowed him to impact so many nations for Christ, especially in Africa, all while remaining humble and discreet. I had long dreamed of meeting him, and that dream came true in 2018 when he visited Senegal. What he said about me during our first meeting only deepened my conviction to follow him.

ROLI | Tell us about the church in CAR.

P. JOAS | Located in the capital city, Bangui, the church began as a small cell group in April 2024 and by God’s grace, our congregation has grown to between 15 and 30 faithful members, and we praise Him for the work He has started. The population is predominantly Christian, however they are surface and superficial about their faith. We pray that God will create a thirst in the people for the truth of the gospel.

ROLI | What kind of church do you envision River of Life CAR To be?

P. JOAS | Our hope is for the church to grow in faith and spiritual maturity, making each member a true disciple of Christ. Our aspirations are to be impactful to the nation - rebuilding education , healthcare, the economy, and political systems of the Central African Republic. Ultimately, we envision the church becoming a platform for revival in the nation!

Watch:  CAR and Senegal with our New Wave Mission Team


國際生命河 | 您的故事和個人見證是什麼?

Joas牧師 | 我出生在一個受天主教和新教影響的基督教家庭。是我的母親教會了我如何祈禱,並幫助我真正認識了基督。我跟隨她進入福音派教會,並於2003年受洗。雖然我受的是基督教教育,但我卻過著世俗享樂的雙重生活。  儘管我遠離上帝,但我始終意識到祂的存在。很多次,我聽到內心的聲音催促我擺脫罪惡的生活,但我一直在抗拒。  我還年輕,太熱愛生活,無法改變。悲慘的事件最終使我的生活發生了翻天覆地的變化,讓我更接近上帝和真正的信仰。我被重刀刺傷,差點喪命,但靠著神的恩典,我才保住了性命。在那次經驗之後,我承諾要回應祂的呼召並事奉祂。隨之而來的是我最親愛的人母親的去世,這令人心碎。在瀕臨死亡並失去母親之後,我用盡全力緊緊抓住上帝。這是與他一起的美好旅程的開始,這趟旅程一直持續到今天。自始至終,祂從未放棄我。

 國際生命河 | 是什麼促使你成為牧師?

Joas牧師 | 上帝總是告訴我,我會事奉祂,儘管我不確定這會如何發生。 2014年,我到達塞內加爾學習並尋找教會後,上帝帶領我找到了生命河的Matthias牧師。我的旅程就這樣開始了,經過9年的服務,我成為了Fleuve de Vie的全職牧師。

國際生命河 | 你是如何認識劉彤牧師的,為什麼決定加入生命之河?

Joas牧師 | 在見到劉彤牧師之前,我就已經決定要加入他了。他的見證和旅程深深激勵了我。  正是他對上帝的順服,使他能夠為基督影響如此多的國家,特別是在非洲,同時保持謙虛和謹慎。我一直夢想著能見到他,2018 年他造訪塞內加爾時,這個夢想實現了。我們第一次見面時他對我的評價更加堅定了我跟隨他的信念。

國際生命河 | 為我們介紹一下中非共和國的教堂吧。

Joas牧師 | 教會位於首都班吉,於 2024 年 4 月開始是一個小組,靠著神的恩典,我們的會眾已經發展到 15 到 30 名忠實的成員,我們為他所開始的工作而讚美他。   人口主要是基督徒,但他們的信仰很膚淺。  我們祈求上帝激發人們對福音真理的渴望。

國際生命河 | 您希望生命之河 CAR 成為什麼樣的教會?

Joas牧師 |我們的希望是教會在信心和靈命上成長,使每個成員都成為基督真正的門徒。我們的願望是對國家產生影響——重建中非共和國的教育、醫療、經濟和政治體系。最終,我們願景教會成為國家復興的平台!


mission trip highlight: cambodia 1


mission trip highlight: Central african republic (CAR) + senegal